Health care hindernace.. what better I can do..?
Yes I know I am at one of the peripheral health care center with Icu back up, where I am bound to do my Conpulsory Senior residency in dept of general medicine. With very limited resources ( probably handful when compared to remote areas ) and hundreds of patients visiting both Outpatient and Emergency Room, I felt challenging and focused to deliver better health care. Got a call from nursing staff when I was in OPD regarding case in ER. I found a middle aged man gasping in air hunger sitting in mohammadian prayer position ( sitting on legs and bending forward) with Triple lumen hemodialysis Catheter in right neck and recently operated AV fistula on right hand. Prior to my arrival nursing staff proactively gave inj. Deriphyllin, Nebulisations and oxygen support. In an interview with patients son, he revealed his father suffering from chronic kidney disease past few years and initiated on hemodialysis 1 month back. he also told that as they were advise...